Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Baby Matei due at the end of 2013

I know this is long overdue, and by that I mean the announcement and the baby!

So after almost 7 years of marriage, Nick and I are expecting our first little mango sometime at the end November/beginning of December. We are both excited and so is our family!

I'm currently a little over 19 weeks and most baby websites say that the baby is about the size of a mango at this point and I kind of like that so I have decided that's a perfect thing to call it, My Little Mango :)

Nick and I have decided that we will not find out the sex of the baby even thou I have the 20 week ultrasound appointment next week where we could potentially find out. Therefore, I think we should call it Our Little Mango !

I will try my best to keep up with this blog so that my family can experience it with me even tho they aren't here :)

July 10, 2013- 19 weeks 4 days